Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blackfields Academy: Location, Location, Location!

Maybe it was because you'd been kicked out of all the other schools, and your parents were at their wits' end. Maybe it was because there were no good schools that your parents could afford, and the offer of full scholarship was a godsend. Maybe it was the promise of 'unequaled academic opportunities' that caught their eye. Maybe it was just because your new stepmom wanted you out of the way and this was the first offer that showed up. Whatever the reason, when the big manila envelope with the fancy school crest and shiny full-color pamphlet arrived in the mail, your parents thought it was the end of all their troubles.

For you, it was just the beginning...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Monster Ate The Principal

Alright, to keep my contribution to the blog this week from stopping at a bunch of fanboying, I figure I'll talk a bit about one of the two games I'd really like a chance to run. I was originally going to talk about Fantasy Craft, because I really, really, really like that game, but with Halloween barely come and gone, I figured I'd talk something a little more... monstrous. (Also, delaying the FC post further ensures I will be coming back to post more at some point. I go with what works.)

The Mailman Loves Me

So, tonight I was going to make a nice long post about one of the two games I mentioned wanting to run in my last post, and possibly start doing the setting brainstorming out loud. However, a package I've been waiting for for months finally arrived in the post today, and so I'm going to talk about that instead. What is it I'm talking about, exactly?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Playing, Running, Wanting: October

For someone who thinks about RPGs a lot, I haven't been playing much in the last few months. I blame the whole 'working nights' thing. It tends to dominate your social life. Recently, however, I've been getting some chances to play, so that's a nice improvement.

Pardon The Mess

I'm still messing about with the layout, so you'll have to excuse any randomness that occurs. It's all under control, really!

* * *

Okay, so I decided to start this for a couple reasons. The first reason was that I occasionally have random ideas pertaining to RPGs, my biggest hobby, and it'd be nice to have someplace to write them down and not just have them drift away.

Secondly, I like sharing my ideas with other people, and getting actual feedback and whatnot. However, due to my tendency to ramble on, using Facebook for this is awkward, and none of my friends really use Google+. So, blog!

The idea as it stands now is to use this to throw my campaign ideas around, so I can have them on paper to look at instead of sloshing around in my head. It may become more than that as time goes on. We shall see.