Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Aent Dead

I swear I haven't forgotten about this, honest! It's just that November was a particularly ...intensive month for video games. Arkham City, Skyrim, and Saints Row 3 all dropped within a week of each other, and those are just the ones I got. I still haven't picked up AC: Revelations. And then there was the annual Steam Thanksgiving/Christmas sale, which is dangerous for anyone with a credit card. I own games I don't even remember buying. And then Bioware had to go and make a Star Wars MMO. And talk on the interwebs got me back into RIFT. And All this hullabaloo about Guild Wars 2 is reminding me I need to work on Guild Wars so I can unlock some of the cross-game stuff. And...

However, I do want to get back into a rhythm of writing stuff for this. It's the best way I've got to blather on about RPGs, and I am always finding interesting things I want to talk about in the RPG world. It's also a nice way for me to pin down ideas outside of my head, which is always helpful.

Since I'm not really planning any campaigns out at the moment, I don't have anything to discuss there. Instead, I'm going to start making posts about the RPGs I have or want that really catch my interest, for one reason or another. Sort of like reviews, I suppose, although I admit up front very little professionalism will be present. Mostly me just totally geeking out and gushing about how much I like the way the game does things.

I've already got some RPGs lined up to drone on about, so let's get started!

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